Sunday, June 10, 2012

Girl of the week!! Samantha!!!!

Samantha — 1904
Who she is: an orphan being raised by her wealthy grandmother
Where she lives: Mount Bedford, New York
In her day: The world was bursting with inventions and exciting notions, such as the idea that women could vote!
Best friend: Nellie O'Malley, a young girl who must work to support her family
Likes: her fun-loving Uncle Gard, who takes her for rides in his newfangled automobile
Dislikes: Eddie Ryland, a pesty neighbor boy
Nickname: Her Uncle Gard calls her "Sam"
Special treasure: her doll, Lydia, who looks like Samantha's mother and is named after her
Memorable moment: giving her beloved doll, Lydia, to Nellie to be her friend when she goes away to live in the city
What changes in her life: Nellie shows Samantha what life is like for poor children who work as servants and in factories—and Samantha gets ideas about how to help
What she discovers: A person's worth isn't measured by wealth.
Have you ever helped a friend when she needed it most?


  1. I love Samantha! Have you seen her movie? It is really good! :D


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5. and the best of all HAVE FUN!!!!!