Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dolls birthday

Do you have a Historical doll and you want to know there birthday without doing tons of searching no need now cause I have them for you :) Historical dolls birthdays Kaya: Summer 1755; Kaya’s "Celebration Day" is on August 11 or 12 Felicity: April 21, 1765 Elizabeth: November 5, 1765 Josefina: March 19, 1815 Cécile : May 28, 1843  Marie Grace: March 3, 1843  Kirsten: June 8, 1845  Addy: chosen April 9, born 1855  Samantha: May 26, 1895  Nellie: October 15, 1895 Rebecca: April 4, 1905 Kit: May 19, 1923  Ruthie: August 22, 1923 Molly: April 22, 1934  Emily: September 29, 1933 Julie: May 1, 1966 Ivy: February 28, 1966 If you have Rebecca tomorrow is her birthday... Do you have anything special for her also on monday it is Addy's b-day are you doing something special. On April 21st it's felicity's b-day what about her..... Ya TO NOTE::::::::::: these birthday are from the book and from American girl not my own ideas.

1 comment:

  1. All my girls share their birthday with someone special in my life so they do not use the AG birthdays.

    But it is kewl you posted all of them for everyone .. lots of people want to know ..


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