Monday, March 26, 2012

at the beach

Hello how are you, I am good. I am at the beach for spring break :) ive got all my AG dolls :) I am having much fun what about you... I can't post pictures because the computers broken right now I am using my moms I phone My grams got me and my cousin clothes for our dolls. They are really cute. They are made from someone knitting them. She got them at the action my school had :) and they are really cute!!!! Can you friends maybe pray for my brother because last night he was all night puking so if you Could keep him in your prayers Ian saying thank you Love Georgia

1 comment:

  1. i am sorry about that and i will. but you sound like you are having lots of fun


hello i am very glad if you want to comment but there are some rules before you comment

1. no bad language or i will delete it!!!!!!!!!
2.please respect others
4.please don't ask really personally questions
5. and the best of all HAVE FUN!!!!!